
Have you checked your credit card statement? has, and then some.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Getting Formal

So, after my e-mail, I then wrote a formal letter to at whatever address I could find for them. Turns out they are owned by InterActiveCorp, Inc., which also owns Ask Jeeves, Garnet Hill, the Lending Tree, and a skad of other online services. I had to go to the office of the Texas Secretary of State to find a street address for, which seems to be as follows:

3001 E. President George Bush Highway, Suite 100
Richardson TX 75082

My letter then set forth my first line of attack, using Minnesota's Deceptive Trade Practices Act:


I was shocked today to find charges to my credit card from, for August, September, and October 2005. Your practice of failing to adequately inform consumers of the automatic renewal provisions of any so-called “trial period,” in conjunction with the deliberate decision of to refuse to notify users of pending additional charges, are deceptive trade practices within the meaning of Minnesota law, specifically Minn. Stat. § 325D.44. I request an immediate refund of $89.97 for the three months I was billed for services.

I have also filed the attached Complaint with Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch, requesting an investigation of the charges on my account and the practice by which deceives consumers and reaps additional financial benefits from doing so. As there are numerous individuals who have been deceived by this practice, it clearly fits the definition of a deceptive trade practice, as it no doubt “creates a likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding” regarding the automatic renewal process and charges on individual consumers’ credit card accounts.

Again, please issue a refund immediately.


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