Well, I've basically had it with Match.com's deceptive trade practices and I'm doing something about it. Here's the scoop:
Match.com, the hugely popular online dating service, offers various terms for its use, one of which is a "30 day trial." Sounded good, so I signed up in July 2005 and used it, and used it successfully enough that I did not need the service anymore within a month. Figuring that the "trial period" ended after the advertised "30 days," I didn't think anything about additional charges. In fact, I checked my account and the Match.com account at the end of the period to verify no charges were incurred. None seen, so I figured no problem.
In its terms of service, however, is this rather ambiguous language:
2. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect while you use the Website and/or are a Member. You may terminate your membership at any time, for any reason by following the instructions on the Resign pages in Account Settings, or upon receipt by Match.com of your written or email notice of termination.
The terms do not say anywhere that the subscription applied for or entered into will be 'automatically' renewed and that the user's credit card will be charged each month or after each subscription period. Rather, as a lawyer myself, I reasonably interpreted the language to mean that my 30 day trial would terminate after 30 days, and that if I wanted to terminate prior to that time I could do so by informing Match.com of the termination. Not so.
I've now been charged $29.99 per month for the past three months, for a total of $89.97, and Match.com never notified me of the charges at any time. I happened to find them on my credit card statements. Now, I'm hopping mad, frustrated, and seeking redress.